Hobbs should consider propounding, before the election, a center-left agenda that doesn’t scare right-leaning swing voters that she would pursue if given a Democratic legislative majority.
Category Archives: State and local
State finances are still rickety
This should be a big issue in state legislative races, but won’t be.
An unpersuasive case against the Phoenix PD
Missing context undermines the claim that the Phoenix Police Department should be removed from any measure of democratic control and accountability via a consent decree.
Is immigration the Arizona GOP’s last hurrah?
HCR 2060 is best thought of as a political Hail Mary pass. Substantively, it doesn’t amount to much.
Kelly’s serious but flawed maritime strategy initiative
Building up the Navy requires a credible budget commitment, not propping up a commercial industry.
Trump, the law-and-order candidate?
It would be an act of political satire if Trump benefits from growing concern about civic disorder.
Of the prosecution of politicians and political prosecutions
The indictment of the Trump fake electors wasn’t as narrowly tailored as it should have been. And the criminal case against the Cochise County supervisors shouldn’t have been brought.
For swing voters, Gallego ain’t no Sinema
Whether through conviction or political calculation, Sinema valued and protected the role of private sector investment capital.
Abortion, the Arizona Supreme Court, and the rule of law
The court didn’t decide abortion policy, it decided that the Legislature had. But Mayes asserts that she alone decides.
Get rid of retention elections for judges
Legislative Republicans seem willing to close a vulnerability to maintaining an independent judiciary. Democrats should join them.