Obama’s ambition to be the liberal Ronald Reagan and transform American politics didn’t seem plausible … until Donald Trump.
Monthly Archives: July 2016
For economic growth, lifestyle isn’t enough
People and money migrate from high-tax states to low-tax states.
Is Obama to blame for the killing of police?
Both sides should stop blaming the political speech of the other for the violent acts of diseased minds.
Taking Trump’s agenda seriously
Trump sees himself as more than just an anti-Clinton vessel. He has an agenda for the country.
Trump reaps what his rhetoric sowed
Trump’s slurs against Cruz’s wife and father come back to haunt.
Trump won fair and square
RNC and Trump forces were fully justified in quashing efforts to open up the convention by unbinding delegates.
Trump can still make my jaw drop
Saddam Hussein was good at killing. But he didn’t kill terrorists.
Why conservatives are wrong about Clinton prosecution
Conservatives are abandoning fundamental views about criminal justice in arguing that Clinton should have been prosecuted over emails on her private server.
Mismeasuring the Arizona economy
The new Job Creation Progress Meter measures our neuroses more than our economic performance.
Let’s have mano-a-mano elections
Political parties shouldn’t be able to improve their odds by fielding less than full slate of candidates.